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For Clients

There are no perfect fits ever and no perfect candidates. There are only the best available at a given time and place and price.

A candidate who is great for one position might be disastrous in another superficially similar position. A candidate who seems too good for a job usually is and often does not stay long. A star performer who does not know how to work with colleagues can cause more problems than he or she solves.

Shop around when choosing an executive recruitment firm but aim to cultivate a long-term relationship with one that has an intelligent understanding of your company’s strategy, operations and culture and which can function as your human resources arm. We take great satisfaction when clients tell us that they regard us as an internal resource.

In today’s economy price will be a factor in your decision. However, just as poorly paid candidates can be expensive, so can a cheap search company.

With a search company, as with a candidate, the best guide is references from trustworthy sources. Here is a list of some of the best-known international companies for whom we have worked in the past. References are available on request.